Meltzer Woods

Old Growth Woods dominated by invasive wintercreeper with adjunct agricultural fields.
Michigan and Township Line Road Retention Basin

Vegetated retention basin for CSO comprised of native wetland emergent and other native perennials.
Virginia B. Fairbanks Art and Nature Park Viewshed Pollinator Garden

Eco Logic designed a large pollinator garden and path in viewshed overlooking a lake.
Crane Pear Control

Mechanical and herbicide treatment on extensive callery pear infestation.
Southwestway Calcareous Bluff Restoration

A unique bluff composed of calcareous glacial outwash was invaded by Amur honeysuckle that threatened the exceptionally diverse herbaceous community on the slope. Eco Logic recognized this unique community and began stewardship to free this diverse community from invasive shrubs.
Carmel Central Park Mapping

GIS Mapping of invasive plant species and densities in a large urban park in Carmel, Indiana.
Eagle Creek Park West Side Mapping

GIS Mapping of invasive plant species and densities in a large park with a variety of habitats
Wabash Valley Power

Native landscape in a commercial setting featuring woodland preservation, reforestation, and naturalized storm water basins.
Sherman Minton Nature Preserve – IDNR Nature Preserves

Performed treatment & mapping of Tree of Heaven, preserve located in the knobtone escarpment.
Fisher Oak Savanna

Installation of high diversity local genotype seed mixes in a prairie/savanna mosaic habitat in northwest Indiana.