Ecological Restoration
Design and installation of a restored natural landscape including a hill prairie, seepage wetlands, and tree planting to create bat habitat.
Eco Logic performed plant community mapping and a floral inventory of this large city park on the north side of Bloomington Indiana in 2019.
Ecological Restoration
Endangered species mitigation for Indiana bat habitat funded by a utility company constructing a wind farm.
Green Infrastructure
Urban rain garden featuring a combination of natural and landscaped aesthetics.
An ecological assessment to document the current habitats and explore potential restoration strategies for a new park.
Ecological Restoration
Eco logic utilizes prescribed fire as a management tool with Indianapolis Land Stewardship in the Indianapolis Parks System. The burning of native plant communities recycles nutrients into the soil and invigorates wildflowers and grasses. It also can help to control the encroachment of non-native woody plants into prairie and pollinator plantings.
Green Infrastructure
Urban rain gardens and bioswales designed to capture stormwater runoff from parking lots and streets.
Pollinator Habitat
The plantings encompass six different areas of Eagle Creek Park in Indianapolis that have been converted from lawn and old field vegetation to diverse prairie plantings designed to provide nectar to pollinators throughout the growing season.
Pollinator Habitat
Installation of high diversity local genotype seed mixes in a prairie/savanna mosaic habitat in northwest Indiana.
Ecological Restoration
Performed treatment & mapping of Tree of Heaven, preserve located in the knobtone escarpment.
Eco Logic: Experienced and Passionate Team
Eco Logic LLC is an ecological restoration and green infrastructure firm founded in Bloomington Indiana in 1999. We work with clients focused on restoring natural areas and improving the sustainability of our urban environment. We bring over 20 years of experience to every project from assessment and planning through to implementation and long-term management.
We understand the life cycle of restoration and green infrastructure projects. Our continued investments in training, infrastructure, and career development have allowed us to retain well trained, passionate team members that bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to every project.
Our Projects at a Glance
Eco Logic Services
Ecological Restoration
Invasive Plant Control, Native Plant Establishment, Forest, Wetland and Prairie Restoration, and Prescribed Burning
Master Planning, Native Plant Design, Site Assessments, Monitoring, and Management Plans
Green Infrastructure
Plant Design and Specifications, Project Implementation, Inspections and Monitoring, Operations, and Maintenance Programs
Pollinator Habitat
Site Assessment, Establishment Plans, Site Preparation and Installation, and Maintenance Programs