Eagle Creek Pollinator Planting

The plantings encompass six different areas of Eagle Creek Park in Indianapolis that have been converted from lawn and old field vegetation to diverse prairie plantings designed to provide nectar to pollinators throughout the growing season.
City of Greenwood Green Infrastructure Sites

Urban rain gardens and bioswales designed to capture stormwater runoff from parking lots and streets.
Indianapolis Land Stewardship Prescribed Fire

Eco logic utilizes prescribed fire as a management tool with Indianapolis Land Stewardship in the Indianapolis Parks System. The burning of native plant communities recycles nutrients into the soil and invigorates wildflowers and grasses. It also can help to control the encroachment of non-native woody plants into prairie and pollinator plantings.
Marott Park High Quality Parcel

High quality parcel – an old-growth urban woodland where invasive species common in the understory has been relieved of invasive pressure through diligent management by both Eco Logic and dedicated volunteers.
Carmel River Heritage Park Invasive Plant Management Plan

Invasive plant mapping, invasive plant management plan, implementation of the management plan.
Carpenter Nature Preserve

An ecological assessment to document the current habitats and explore potential restoration strategies for a new park.
Westfield MacGregor Park Invasive Plant Mapping and Recommendations

Invasive plant mapping and stewardship prioritization in a large mostly wooded park north of Westfield Indiana
Harlan Triangle Urban Rain Garden

Urban rain garden featuring a combination of natural and landscaped aesthetics.
Cook Research Incorporated Screening Tree Installation

Installation of 98 native hardwood trees and 43 white pines to screen the property from new adjacent development.
Warbler Ridge with Grand Prairie Friends

Endangered species mitigation for Indiana bat habitat funded by a utility company constructing a wind farm.