Join us at "Advancing Ecological Restoration in the 21st Century" Conference on March 5, 2024


Mechanical Invasive Removal and control


Mechanical Invasive Removal and control

Meltzer Woods

Meltzer Solid groundcover of wintercreeper

Old Growth Woods dominated by invasive wintercreeper with adjunct agricultural fields.

Crane Pear Control

Crane Pear ControlWinter basal bark treatment

Mechanical and herbicide treatment on extensive callery pear infestation.

Southwestway Calcareous Bluff Restoration

Southwestway Park dead honeysuckle

A unique bluff composed of calcareous glacial outwash was invaded by Amur honeysuckle that threatened the exceptionally diverse herbaceous community on the slope. Eco Logic recognized this unique community and began stewardship to free this diverse community from invasive shrubs.

Indianapolis Land Stewardship Prescribed Fire

Eco logic utilizes prescribed fire as a management tool with Indianapolis Land Stewardship in the Indianapolis Parks System. The burning of native plant communities recycles nutrients into the soil and invigorates wildflowers and grasses. It also can help to control the encroachment of non-native woody plants into prairie and pollinator plantings.

Marott Park High Quality Parcel

Marott Park High quality mesic woods

High quality parcel – an old-growth urban woodland where invasive species common in the understory has been relieved of invasive pressure through diligent management by both Eco Logic and dedicated volunteers.