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These two rain gardens were originally installed in 2011 with native mesic prairie plants and native landscape shrubs on Indianapolis’ southeast side. Eco Logic was contracted by the City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works for the maintenance of this retention basin beginning in spring of 2016. Before Eco Logic took over maintenance and remediation of these rain gardens there was substantial weed pressure from bindweed and non-native invasive Johnsongrass and Canada thistle.
During the first year of management, Eco Logic worked to eradicate Johnsongrass, tall fescue, and other overgrown weeds. Our crews also replaced three sumac beds that were entirely overgrown with bindweed and Johnsongrass with 24 3-gallon native ‘Sweet Henry’ Itea virginica (Virginia sweetspire). Our crews also supplemented the wildflower beds with 1060 additional native quart-sized plants to fill in bare spots previously filled with removed weeds.
Since the initial replacement of the overgrown shrub beds, Eco Logic has been focused on maintaining the floristically diverse wildflower beds and clean landscaped shrub beds to add beauty and functionality to the site. To date, we have planted and successfully cultivated nearly 250 additional native plugs including Eryngium yuccifolium (rattlesnake master), Asclepias verticillata (whorled milkweed), and Penstemon digitalis (foxglove beardtongue), providing a diverse selection of resources for local pollinators and wildlife. Regular maintenance of these rain gardens now consists of spring plant and mulch additions, spot treatment for any remaining invasives, light garbage cleanup, sediment removal from inlets and cutting back of vegetation in the fall to maintain aesthetics. Like all the Indianapolis Green Infrastructure sites we manage, we also perform biannual inspections to be provided to our clients upon request.