Pollinator Habitat
Our native pollinators play a vital role in the plant communities that provide the ecosystem services to support ourselves and our fellow organisms. Our knowledge of native plants, pollinators, and plant community establishment ensures the success of your pollinator planting. From the initial site assessment through site preparation, installation and maintenance, Eco Logic professionals can provide the guidance and services to bring your pollinator habitat project to fruition.
Project Profiles
Site Assessment

Eco Logic can evaluate your site for soils, hydrology, potential invasive plant problems, and other disturbances that may affect the establishment and longevity of your planting.
Establishment Plans
Eco Logic can assist with planning the life cycle of your pollinator project including site preparation, installation, development and long term maintenance. We can also design custom seed mixes for your site specific characteristics, desired aesthetic, and targeted pollinators.

Site Preparation and Installation

Extremely thorough site preparation is one of the keys to success and is often overlooked in many pollinator projects. We assess the existing vegetation of each site to develop a thorough understanding of the challenges to be addressed during the site preparation phase.
Eco Logic utilizes a Truax no-till seed drill that is specifically designed for native grass and wildflower installations. The seed drill is calibrated for each custom seed mix to ensure the proper ratio of grass and wildflower seed is sowed per square foot. Timing of the installation will be selected to maximize recruitment of the specified seed mix.
Maintenance Programs
Eco Logic can develop maintenance plans to ensure the long term sustainability of your pollinator plantings, developing a strategy to deal with threats from invasive plants, woody succession and encroachment from adjacent vegetation.