Green Infrastructure
Eco Logic has over 20 years of experience working on the design, installation, repair, and maintenance of green infrastructure. This includes practices such as rain gardens, bioswales, and constructed wetlands which utilize deeply rooted native plants and permeable engineered soils to store, filter, and infiltrate stormwater. We help our clients meet their MS4 requirements while also providing functioning, attractive, habitat friendly green infrastructure for their communities.
Project Profiles
Plant Design and Specifications

Our years of experience installing and maintaining various sizes and types of rain gardens and bioswales gives us a unique perspective on appropriate planting strategies to create sustainable green infrastructure projects. Selecting the right plants in the planning phase can mitigate the need for costly remediation.
Project Implementation
Eco Logic has extensive experience in a broad array of green infrastructure and native landscape installations. From highly manicured and high-profile urban rain gardens and bioswales, to more naturalized constructed wetlands our crews have the right skills and equipment for any size project.

Inspections and Monitoring

Our stormwater experts provide our clients with inspections of vegetated bioswales, raingarden, and bioretention areas, including CSO structures. Eco Logic’s inspectors can identify issues that have the potential to escalate, enabling us to advise our clients in preventative measures before the cost of repair becomes overwhelming.
Operations and Maintenance Programs
Using years of green infrastructure maintenance and installation experience, Eco Logic provides municipalities and private businesses assistance with O&M program development, documentation, and adherence. Our combination of botanical and stormwater expertise help us to create customized management plans that are compliant with MS4 permit requirements and fit with our clients’ specific needs.