Brouse and Northgate
Three shaded rain gardens at four way intersection in a neighborhood.
Earth Discovery Center
Parking lot rain garden and wooded bioswale.
Fall Creek and College
Four large bioswales – three open, one wooded along Fall Creek Parkway Trail.
Greene Park
Large bioswale within pervious pavement parking area.
Lincoln and Alabama
Four curb-side small rain gardens with formal plant layout.
Pogue’s Run Bioswale
CSO structure featuring a large bioswale and water quality basin. Not open to public.
Virginia and Shelby
Five sytlized urban rain gardens.
Michigan and Township Line Road Retention Basin
Vegetated retention basin for CSO comprised of native wetland emergent and other native perennials.
City of Greenwood Green Infrastructure Sites
Urban rain gardens and bioswales designed to capture stormwater runoff from parking lots and streets.
Harlan Triangle Urban Rain Garden
Urban rain garden featuring a combination of natural and landscaped aesthetics.